The truth is, there’s nothing like it!
And don’t just take my word for it:
“You look great – you must be sleeping well!”
“Your skin is glowing – are you using a new moisturiser or foundation?”
“You’re looking really well! Have you lost weight or something?”
These are the compliments my patients have received from friends and family after having Botox!
Botox is a protein that stops the muscles of the face from moving by stopping messages being sent from nerves to these muscles.
Botox is a medical treatment so should be delivered by a qualified and experienced medical practitioner. Someone who knows what, where and how to treat to strike a balance between minimising the risk of side effects and a lovely clinical outcome.
Botox doesn’t lift or plump or replace volume – all it does is reduce muscular movement. We can harness this action to reduce lines in mobile areas of the face but that’s all it does.
It’s common for me to consult with patients who believe that a wee bit of Botox is all they need to help them look and feel fresher and more youthful.
But often, what you might actually be seeing is more about structure and volume loss, so Botox actually gives the best results when combined with other treatments.
So you can see that Botox is a powerful tool in our beautification and healthy ageing toolbox – but it’s not a magic bullet for all the facial aesthetics issues that concern you!
People understandably worry about having treatment with Botox or “toxin”.
One of the biggest fears people have about Botox treatments is “frozen faces”.
Having a face that doesn’t move, looks odd and losing the characteristic expressions that make you “you”.
Avoiding this situation comes down to recognising that delivering Botox treatments simply cannot be a “one size fits all” approach.
All of our faces move differently. All of our muscles are different shapes and sizes. So it’s all about the skill and ability of your medical practitioner to assess what’s needed for your face.
The other common worry, is something going wrong, like a drooping eyelid or eyebrow.
As a medical treatment, the fact is, no-one can give you a guarantee that something like this won’t happen but choosing your medical practitioner wisely will give you the best chance of avoiding mishaps and getting the beautiful outcomes you want.
Consultation is the most important part of your treatment journey because it’s where we work out if Botox is right for you.
Once we know that, the treatment itself is actually quite straightforward.
Before we get started, we have plenty of time to answer your questions as you sign your consent form and take the all-important before photos. I then examine how your face moves to determine and mark out where to treat.
A few brief injections later and that’s it!
Botox takes 7-14 days to have its full effect and you might have a little bit of a headache after treatment – but nothing some paracetamol won’t take care of.
We see you back in the clinic after 2-4 weeks to assess your treatment and make any small tweaks that may be required.
For most of my patients, the average time between Botox treatments is 4 months – but it does vary from person to person.
Regular treatment lets the skin renew itself without creasing so it becomes smoother and smoother over time…meaning you’ll maintain that glow we’re all after!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this insight into the basics of what you need to know about Botox treatments.
If you feel you’re ready, I’d be delighted to invite you to my clinic in Hamilton for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Simply click the button below to book an appointment
See you soon!